Rosa Signature was bred by Dr. Keith W. Zary before 1995 and was later introduced in the U.S. by Bear Creek Gardens, Inc. in 1996. A cross between the two varieties Honor and First Federal’s Renaissance, this stunning hybrid tea rose produces high centered pink flowers suffused the darker pink petal edges that bloom on a medium sized bush. Mildly fragrant, this show stopper is a standout in the garden as well as on the show table. It is a truly beautiful rose!
John Hancock is remembered for his large and stylish signature on the Declaration of Independence, so much so that the term “John Hancock” has become a synonym in the U.S. for one’s “signature”. Therefore, Rosa Signature was chosen as the Rose of the Month for July to commemorate the ratification of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 displaying the signatures of some of the most famous men that have lived during the history of the United States; our founding fathers.