August 2017: Diana, Princess of Wales

Rosa Diana, Princess of Wales wad bred by Dr. Keith W. Zary before 1998 and later introduced in the U.S. by Bear Creek Gardens, Inc. in 1999. Unveiled at a ceremonial planting at the British Embassy in Washington D.C. in 1998, this elegant hybrid tea rose is creamy white suffused with shades of pink and salmon. A cross between Rosas Anne Morrow Lindbergh and Sheer Elegance, this lovely specimen is classically formed, sweetly fragrant, and makes a statement on the show table and in the garden.
This stunning rose was chosen as the rose of the month for August to honor Diana Spencer, the princess of Wales, who tragically lost her life at the age of 36 on August 31, 1997 in a devastating car crash in Paris, France. Although her marriage (and later divorce) to Prince Charles of England caused her a great deal of stress, her two boys brought her the greatest of joy. She became the people’s princess, loved around the world for beauty and charm and her compassion for others. Her overall effect on charity is probably more significant than any other person’s in the 20th century.