Rosa St. Patrick was hybridized by Frank A. Strickland in 1986 and then introduced in the U.S. by Weeks Wholesale Rose Growers in 1996. This slightly fragrant hybrid tea was the recipient of the AARS award in 1996 for its outstanding performance in the garden. Growing on a medium size bush, each high centered bloom opens to reveal an exhibition rose of buttery yellow, its outer petals displaying a hint of green. This variety, a cross between Brandy and Gold Medal, is heat tolerant and its blooms will last for days in the garden or in a vase. A must have rose for outdoor display or the show table; you can’t go wrong if yellow is your color.
This rose was chosen for our March Rose of the Month as we celebrate St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland, on March 17th. St. Patrick, who was born in England was kidnapped from his family estate as a boy and taken to Ireland where he was enslaved as a shepherd boy.