Rosa Heart O’ Gold was hybridized by Dr. A. Michael Dykstra in 1997 and later that year introduced in the U.S. by Weeks Wholesale Rose Growers. The striking blooms of this Grandiflora open with a butter- gold center surrounded by hot cerise. Growing on a tall, upright plant atop long straight stems, this extremely fragrant beauty is a show stopper on the exhibition table as well as an eye catcher in any garden. A cross between Broadway and Gold Medal, the blooms of this rose variety are always a unique display of color.
Heart O’ Gold was chosen as January’s Rose of the Month to commemorate the discovery of gold in California on January 24 in 1848 by James W. Marshall at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, California. The news of his discovery brought some 300,000 people to California, accelerating its development and admission into the U.S. as a state in 1850.