September 2019: Tiffany

Rosa Tiffany was hybridized by Robert V. Lindquest before 1953 and later introduced in the United States in 1954 by Howard Rose Company. The bloom of this lovely hybrid tea is rose pink with yellow undertones and salmon flushing on the petal edges. It grows on long straight stems of a tall bush and its fragrance is strong and fruity. As the prodigy of Rosa Charlotte Armstrong x Girona, this timeless variety has been a staple of rose gardens for decades and its classic high centered blooms have made it a contender for many awards.
Rosa Tiffany was chosen as September’s Rose of the Month to commemorate the opening of the world famous store of Tiffany & Co.
Charles Lewis Tiffany was born in 1812 in Killingly, Connecticut and in his mid-twenties (with $1000 in financial backing from his father) moved to New York and founded “Tiffany and Young” with his childhood friend John F. Young. Opening its doors on September 18, 1837, the store was originally operated as a stationery and fancy goods emporium on Broadway in New York City.
In 1841, the store became Tiffany, Young and Ellis. In 1848 the firm began to manufacture jewelry and and silverware. Charles Tiffany adopted the standards of English silver in 1851, thereby establishing the term “sterling” in the United States and in 1853 he obtained sole control of the firm, which was thereafter known as Tiffany & Co.
Tiffany pioneered what would become a classic engagement ring style, the raised solitaire diamond, six-prong “Tiffany Setting”, and his store became the destination place for engaged couples to shop.
Their flagship store has operated at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street in Manhattan, New York City since 1940.