September 2017: Firefighter

Rosa Firefighter was hybridized by Joseph Orard of France before the year 1998 and introduced in the U.S. by Edmunds Roses in 2005. This beautiful crimson red hybrid tea prolifically produces high centered, well-formed flowers on long straight stems on a tall growing bush. The blooms are extremely fragrant, exuding hints of old rose and raspberry that will fill a room with heavenly perfume. A cross between the roses Lasting Love x Hidalgo, this stunning specimen is a winner in the garden as well as on the show table.
Rosa Firefighter was chosen as September’s Rose of the Month after being named for the Firefighters who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. 343 Firefighters died while trying to save the lives of others during the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City that day. They are among the many of the real heroes who stepped up to protect our country on that fateful day.